Saturday, January 9, 2010

Unforseen Miracles

It's been said that if we truly saw all the litttle miracles that protect us from ourselves & others and if we could see the gentle leading of our lives by the master's hand, we would fall prostrate before our Lord in worship and awe. God uses people to bring diving appointments in life...he did just that through my husband, Mark.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". A loving father always wants the best for us. So why do we question his timing for our desires in life? Timing is all about miracles in action and faith in a Sovereign God. If you remember, Mark was not released or even thinking about adoption until years after the desire was planted in me. There were days my faith was was so low that he would never change. Yet, I always knew I married a Godly why was "he" missing God in this? Finally, through much prayer, Mark's heart began to crack & he mentioned the possibilities of adoption in the future.

Two weeks later, I would show him Micah's picture from an email. That was on a Monday. On Wednesday of that same week, one of my longtime dear friends, Kathleen Estes would be looking at that same email of waiting children. Without realizing what each other was doing, Kathleen & I were applying to adopt from the same orphanage within hours of each other! But the miracle didn't stop there. The boys we were each adopting are friends & we soon would get a picture of all 3 of them posing together! We were overjoyed! I was "pregnant" with one of my best friends...what more could a girl ask for?! Yet, if Mark hadn't waited for God's timing, I would have missed one of the greatest blessings of my life. God's timing is perfect!

Our families worked together through our paperwork encouraging each other every step of the way. Our poor case workers - we persisted in saying, "make sure you keep us with the Estes". I know they probably got so tired of it, but we wanted to be there to see them get their boys. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

(David & Kathleen have their own amazing story on their journey to adoption at their blog... Estes TRIBE )

Well, guess what - God continued to be faithful in those little blessings & we just arrived with David & Kathleen in Ethiopia! Yes, we got to come together & ride side-by-side to and from Ethiopia. So now we sit here in our hotel room thinking about tomorrow. Our hearts are filled with pure joy at the thought of meeting our boys! We're not sure if they realize what God has done by giving them best friends as parents. It's hard to find living in the same city - but traveling half way across the world - is a miracle! I have to continually remember, God knows our desires & his plan is so much greater and fulfilling when we give them to him. My cup is full & running over..I can't wait to post our pictures of our new family tomorrow. My heart beats a little faster knowing how close we are to welcoming our new family members! I hope I get a little sleep tonight - I've had 3 hours since Thursday am, but am confident I can find a great cup of coffee here in Ethiopia!

Missy - Saturday, January 9

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing story! I am amazed at how God puts things together! We have a neat story too of how we were #1 on the wait list and found out #2 was right here in our same city less than 2 miles from our house! Then we received our referral calls on the same day when she was over at my house!! God is good! Your blog is great and I look forward to reading the rest. Please pray for us, our court date is this Thursday 4th for our 4 month old son who is at HH now.
    Thanks for sharing!
