Experiencing the many "first" of Micah Shewit has been nothing short of a pure delight for the whole family! From his first plane ride to the sight of balloons that float, to elevator rides, it's like being in a Disney movie! He is so passionate about life. Before we boarded the plane he even had time to comfort his big brother, Matthew, who wasn't feeling to well.

On the last day we were in Ethiopia we made one last trip back to Hannah's Hope so that we could thank the "special mommies" that Micah had and let him say goodbye to each of his friends. This is the road to Hannah's Hope. It is in one of the newer developments of Addis Ababa. I always found it amazing to see all the animals being hearded through the streets. My favorite was a huge steer laying on the middle of the overpass to our hotel. Nobody was moving that big boy and he didn't look like he was afraid of anybody or anything...although the donkey running by him made him flinch!

Micah's arms were full of candy and stickers that we had to hand out to his buddies. He had a smile on his face the whole time. I could see that he just wanted to make sure everyone got something. While he was doing that I went around to each of his "mommies" and gave them a picture of Micah Shewit to remember him. It broke my heart to see how thankful and joyful they were to have a piece of him to keep. These women are amazing and a gift from God to these kids, the way they love these children with complete abandonment knowing that it is just for a short season just touches my heart.

There were so many precious kids there and new ones coming in the day we were saying goodbye. I was heartbroken at the thought of how many orphans Ethiopia has, but thankful that these found their way to Hannah's Hope. I know AGCI works so hard to place them all. The day we got our Visa's for Micah, Almaz said, through tears, that she will be thankful for the day Ethiopia no longer has to adopt out their orphans. When they can take care of all the children, but the need is overwhelming and the poverty is to great for now. Until the day that changes, they are grateful for those that step forward and give these children a home, hope and a future. As you can see by Micah's face, he's old enough to know the gift of adoption, the gift of a father's love.

I took this picture of Micah as we were leaving Hannah's Hope for the last time. (this trip) Thankfully for Micah, he is stepping from behind locked gates that secured him and people that loved him into arms of a family that will love him forever and take care of him. God has such great plans for this kid....as he does all of them.

Almaz explained to Micah that he would not be returning to the orphanage, he was with the Worton's and off to fly to America. Micah didn't miss a beat.... "chow, chow" (means goodbye), he shook her hand goodbye and threw his arms around his daddy's neck. He was ready to go! Almaz laughed with delight...she knew one of her kids had found his family!
As soon as we got back to the hotel, Micah started dragging all our half packed suitcases to the door! I tried to explain that we had 3 more hours until the airport and I wasn't done packing....soooo....he started grabbing things and helping me pack! (He's not an organized packer, I might add, and me being someone who knows where everything is when I systematically pack our suitcases....well, I just had to start laughing! What else could I do? Our boy was anxious to get to America. What a great moment!)

Micah and his buddy Chernet (our friends boy), were so fun to watch. It was a good thing that we had a nice immigration officer because Micah went around and opened her door to check out her booth! He tried to follow the baggage down the treadmill. It looked like fun and
I have about 100 pictures of airplanes on my camera! Finally, when the plane took off, Micah just about came out of his seat with excitement yelling across the aisle to Chernet. The two of them laughing uncontrollably. It got everyone around them tickled! His head was plastered to the window.....what I would've given to know what he was thinking. He played with everything almost all the way to Dubai,(4 hrs) then fell asleep as we landed, but bounded back as soon as we got to the airport and on our flight to NYC.

After 14 hours in the air, countless trips to the bathroom, feet in brother Matthew's face trying to sleep, 3 meals and 8 Disney movies, we landed in America! Micah's joy was uncontainable! The picture above says it all! He just kept saying, "America, America!!!"
We had to say goodbye to our friends in New York City, but the adventure continued....the "elevator"...when the elevator started to go up, Micah took the "brace yourself squat", then started giggling with the rest of us. Then the escalator came. You could just see it in his eyes...why are the steps moving? Now, if you've ever seen the movie, "Elf", you've seen what Micah did. He put one foot on with his sister, but instead of putting the second foot on the moving step, he almost went into a full split as the escalator kept moving upward. All the "first" are so much fun. On our last leg we had to fly in a leer jet and hit some turbulence...let's just say, McKenzie has found her rollercoaster partner. No fear!!!

Our arrival was met with amazing friends who had traveled the journey to Micah with us. Kelly Putty was there with her camera along with her sister Kristi Johnson and Lucy lane. Micah recognized them and got a big grin on his face. Kelly had pictures of Hannah's Hope and Micah named all his friends that he saw and then loved on Lucy lane. I'm so thankful for these two friends because I realize... had it not been for the trip to get sweet Lucy lane that Kelly would not have met Micah Shewit. Her pictures of Micah won my heart and led me to him. Although, Kristi thought she was just going to bring hope to one little baby girl, her trip inspired many through Kelly's pictures to bring hope to many waiting children. That email I received that led me to Micah, found a forever family for every single child in that email. What you do or don't do matters to someone!
Tracy and I are pictured above....Tracy is my precious friend and neighbor that sent me that email that brought me to Micah. She (Micah just pre-published my blog...love that kid!) is one that lives out the call of James 1:27 daily! She is getting ready to travel to Ethiopia to bring home 4 siblings that no longer are orphans! Micah will be thrilled to welcome them (two are close to his age.) Our Cul de sac will never be the same! Tracy also prayed and believed with me that someday we would be bringing home a child that needed a forever family. I just have the best friends and I want to thank them all for welcoming Micah to America.
Tracy was also our ride home and what awaited us was an act of love from our neighbors that we will treasure for a lifetime. As we drove up to our cul de sac it was lined with candles, (Thanks Molly!) with our neighbors anxious to welcome the new kid in town. Tears were flowing... I was overwhelmed with the showing of love and excitement for Micah. The Worton's will probably never move now...neighbors like ours are a gift from God! Speaking of gifts, they had made signs welcoming Micah and had joined together to give him his first own soccer ball and goal. Although he was half asleep...we saw the twinkle in his eyes and that smile. Next morning it was one of the first things he looked for!

When we showed him his room, he took off his shoes and crawled up into his bunk bed and fell fast asleep....with a smile on his face and a room full of people watching him.
We are all walking around with smiles on our face. (even when we wake up at 4 a.m. every morning! Jet lag!!!!) He is such an amazing gift...thank you God!!! One of the signs brought to the airport read, "God Bless you Worton Family" but everytime I see it I see, God BLESSED you Worton Family and his name is Micah Shewit! The Joy continues.....
*a few other blogs posted our homecoming and they did an amazing job telling the story. If your interested in seeing them they are on my side bar. "Ordinary Hereos Blog" and "The Johnson's...Our Family Advocating for the Orphan" and "Unveiled Faces". All amazing blogs to follow.....our story might be down a way. These ladies posted on Saturday while I was sleeping! lol